Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Paying to Play

So once again, I am going to delve into the world of a Pay to Play website and audition for just some of the plethora of jobs posted on the site. This time I hope I'll be healthy through the whole month I plan to be registered - because the last time in '09, I got the flu (may have been Swine Flu) and I lost half of my registration to it.

Signing up for a pay to play site really lets it sink in how competitive Voice Overs can be. Within minutes of a job being posted, there are already several auditons posted for it. By the time you are done posting your own audition, there could be dozens, sometimes just a few shy of a hundred. It kind of leads you to conclude that there are some people who sit and just hit refresh to get the most recent job posting and get hammering on it OR there is just that many people monitoring the service that answer at virtually the same time, on different jobs. These jobs usually require a custom demo which is time consuming itself versus just pushing through a canned demo to the prospective client. 

Now, at first I was looking at all the work I "could" be doing, then realized that I couldn't sit there all day scanning the listings. So, I've decided to pick my battles, do what I can and not regret what I can't. 

I did receive a Private Invitation to audition for a project. Not sure exactly how that came about but I did the audition and submitted an offer.  The official deadline is tomorrow so we'll see if anything comes out of that. Apparently, I was one of 6 invited. 

As the old saying goes, ya can't win if you don't play. So, I'm playing - paying to do so - but playing nonetheless. I'll keep you posted.


Happy Easter Weekend,







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